SAVTE conversation groups regularly meeting across the City of Sheffield. Groups are available in various locations.
The groups are a great way to practise English speaking and listening skills in an informal and friendly setting. They are often a stepping stone into formal classes, helping to develop essential skills in listening, speaking and comprehension.
What learners can expect from conversation groups:
- Making new friends, gaining confidence and additional help.
- Additional learning which supports ESOL class learners.
- A stepping stone into formal learning
- Accessible provision, including online-only options.
As one of Sheffield’s leading ESOL providers, SAVTE’s experience is that these groups are of high and lasting value to learners and also for the many volunteers delivering their ongoing and extensive provision.
If you want to attend one of our Face to Face Conversation Groups, please check SAVTE timetable.
Learner comments …

Neegat: “I come here to improve my English, I can’t go to other classes because I have children. I had one friend before, now I have lots of friends.
My teachers here have given me the confidence to speak”
Chi: “We’ve learned very useful information about the NHS, we can talk about the topics we want to learn about, I really prefer the Conversation Groups – we can ask more questions here”
Fatima “I have improved, my English is better than before, I talk with my children more in English”
Surab: “We learn how to get on with life in England and our community, it’s a great place to meet people and make friends”
Sozan: “We just do reading & writing at my other class coming here really helps me with speaking and listening, It’s very good that the teachers are local from Sheffield”
Sara: “This class is very good because here we can speak about anything, we learn about Sheffield & the things we want to study”
If you would like further information about Conversation Groups please do not hesitate to contact savte at or call on 0114 212 3050